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/Actualidad / The power of paper, lanciatrendvisions.com

The power of paper, lanciatrendvisions.com


“You don’t need a computer to make a poster». That’s easy to say, but to do it you need a certain flair and creativity, like fashion designer and illustrator Eugenia Alejos, who uses “old” materials to communicate her new collection.

Like a good bottle of wine, an illustration is a live substance, a kind of chemical compound of elements tied together and able to ferment and transform with time.

Eugenia Alejos, born in Madrid in 1987, demonstrates just this with her latest series of illustrations by the telltale title: “You don’t need a computer to make a poster”.

A voluminous, multi-dimensional collage of vintage and contemporary elements, that mixes neutral colors and drawings in counterpoint to transparent fabrics such as gauze, organza and others more textured like strips of metallic leather.

For Eugenia, who specialized cum laude at the ESAD in Oporto, fashion is a pictorial art, and it shows. Other than illustrating, she also creates clothes and accessories. Her latest menswear collection, “A dixit”, is a minimalist mosaic of past and present, masculine and feminine.

The Spanish fashion designer gives a personal point of view on her idea of modern society, emancipated and utopic, in which gender roles and identities disappear.

Fuente: http://www.lanciatrendvisions.com/en/article/the-power-of-paper


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